Pedro Antonio González Calero

Pedro Antonio González Calero

Catedrático de Universidad / Professor

Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial

Facultad de Informática


About Me

I am Professor of Computer Science in the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, where I teach courses on Machine Learning and Design Patterns. I have developed my whole career in the Complutense University where I obtained a BS on Physics in 1990 and my PhD in Computer Science in 1997 while assuming teaching duties in the Faculty of Informatics since its creation in 1991.

My research has focused on the confluence of software engineering and artificial intelligence and I am the author or co-author of over 110 reviewed journal and conference proceedings articles on knowledge-based software engineering, software reuse and case-based reasoning. Since 2001 my work within the Group for Artificial Intelligence Applications, that I lead, has evolved into exploring the power of simulations and video games as learning-by-doing environments and its application to teaching programming related technologies and abilities.

I am also director of Complutense University’s Master on Videogame Development since its creation in 2004, member of the IFIP Technical Committee on Entertainment Computing, and founder and CEO of PadaOne Games game development studio.

My Projects

AI for games
AI for games
AI for games

Artificial Intelligence techniques for facilitating the creation of behavior in video games

Behavior Bricks
Behavior Bricks
Behavior Bricks

Behavior Trees editor for Unity Engine

Serious games
Serious games
Serious games

Different applications of serious games

User modeling in games
User modeling in games
User modeling in games

User modeling techniques for personalizing the game experience

Selected Publications

This is a list of selected publications. Follow this link to see the entire list.

Contact with Pedro

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