Logo Liquid Gym

Liquid Gym

An open stealth game test-bed for AI techniques controlling complex characters

About Liquid Gym

Liquid Gym, a training and testing environment for various machine learning models in Unity. Liquid Gym extends the functionalities of ML-Agents and OpenAI Gym, facilitating the introduction of new algorithms, diverse testing environments, and comparisons with state-of-the-art classical control systems from the video game industry, such as Behavior Trees, Hierarchical Task Networks, or Finite State Machines

People in Liquid Gym

Pedro Antonio González Calero
Pedro Antonio González Calero
Marco Antonio Gómez Martín
Marco Antonio Gómez Martín
Pedro Pablo Gómez Martín
Pedro Pablo Gómez Martín
Ismael Sagredo Olivenza
Ismael Sagredo Olivenza
Pablo Gutiérrez Sánchez
Pablo Gutiérrez Sánchez