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Ontologies developed by the GAIA group

XAIoT Onto ExRecOnto RecOnto CBROnto

About Ontologies

The GAIA group has a large experience in the development of ontologies, mainly applied to create Knowledge-Intensive CBR systems. Ontologies are also the basic building blocks of the development methodologies for the COLIBRI platform.

Ontologies for the COLIBRI development methodologies.

XAIoT-Onto XAIo-TOnto is an ontology to model explanation methods for the IoT domain. Interactive visualization
ExRecOnto ExRecOnto is an ontology to categorize explanations in recommender systems. Interactive visualization
RecOnto RecOnto is an ontology to model all recommender system types. It defines elements that a recommender system contains and its relationships. It is used to guide the generation of recommender systems in the ReColibry framework Interactive visualization
CBROnto CBROnto is an ontology to guide the generation of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems in the COLIBRI platform Interactive visualization

Ontologies for Knowledge Intensive CBR. These ontologies are used (directly or inderctly) by the examples of the jCOLIBRI framework or several publised papers.

address.owl Address ontology URL
calendar.owl Calendar ontology URL
contact-details.owl Contact details ontology URL
price.owl Prices ontology URL
restaurant.owl Restaurants ontology URL
travel.owl Travel ontology URL
vacation.owl Vacation ontology URL

Ontologies screenshots









Ontologies Publications

People in Ontologies

Juan A. Recio García
Juan A. Recio García
Belén Díaz Agudo
Belén Díaz Agudo
Pedro Antonio González Calero
Pedro Antonio González Calero
Guillermo Jiménez Díaz
Guillermo Jiménez Díaz
Jose Luis Jorro-Aragoneses
Jose Luis Jorro-Aragoneses
Marta Caro-Martínez
Marta Caro-Martínez