A User-Centric Explanation Approach forRecommender Systems Using Personalized KnowledgeElicitation and Interactive Graph-based Visualizations
See exampleUser-centric and Personalized Interactive Explanation Method (UPIEM) UPIEM is a model-agnostic explanation approach that enhances example-based explanation for recommender systems with the knowledge captured using Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) over the user's preferences.
What is novel in our approach is that we consider different ways of interacting with explanations through examples and conversations with the users and how the ways explanations are presented may affect understanding and acceptance of the RS results. In our view, useful explanations in recommender systems should not be single shots. They need to be designed as part of a cyclical and conversational process with the user: the explanations help the user to reject or accept a particular recommended item, or to accept or remove a particular feature or reason behind the recommendation.