Package | Description |
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test |
Examples/testing package.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.database |
Implements a data base server with the tables for the examples/tests using the HSQLDB library.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.main |
Main tester application that executes all the examples showing also related documentation to each one.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test1 |
Shows how to use a simple data base connector and perform the KNN retrieval.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test10 |
This example shows how to use the ontology connector and the ontology-based similarity functions.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test11 |
This example checks the ontological similarity functions.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test2 |
Shows how to use enumerated values and user defined data types as attributes.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test3 |
Shows how to use a compound attribute in the description of a case and how to complete the CBR cycle.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test4 |
Shows how to manage a complete case with solution and execute some adaptation methods.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test5 |
shows how to map an attribute to an ontology and compute an ontology-based similarity function in the KNN.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test6 |
Shows how to use the Plain Text connector.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test7 |
Shows how to run maintenance algorithms over the case base.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test8 |
Shows how to evaluate an application.
es.ucm.fdi.gaia.jcolibri.test.test9 |
Shows how to visualizate a case base using the InfoVisual library develped by Josep Lluis Arcos (IIIA-CSIC).
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